Sigma Mixer and Kneader Mixer for Paints

Mixers have been one of the substantial machines leading in the race of mechanical devices utilized in the industrial sector today. Out of the large and varied assortment of them, Sigma Mixer and Kneader Mixer are one amongst all employed for mixing and kneading the extremely-viscous materials like that of chemicals, plastics, rubber, food, medicine, etc.

Sigma Mixer and Kneader Mixer work on the same principle bestowing similar outputs. Also known as an open mill, consisting of the W-shaped product container, there are situated two Z-shaped blades inside the container that rotates towards each other for producing strong sheer and mixing the materials evenly as well as rapidly.

The highly-efficient mixing and kneading apparatus consists of various components, namely, base part, hydraulic system, kneading part, vacuum system, transmission system, and electric control system. Composed of mild and stainless steel covered with a carbon steel jacket from two sides, the mixing devices enhance heating and cooling applications, rendering trouble-free operation in the long run.

The very functional mixing action is accomplished by smearing, stretching, folding, dividing, and recombining the material within the container walls and sigma blades. Not only it's capable of passing from mix phase to the extrusion phase without interruption but is also proficient in handling complex to discharge products effortlessly. It is proved to be a safe machine, as the enclosed mixing and discharge gives protection from product contamination and greater operator safety, moreover, the limit switch installed in the top lid ensures the closing of the lid.

What more you can expect from a machine which is self-cleaning, adaptable for a wide range of residence times, robustly designed, and maximizes the performance by minimizing the space requirement?

A Sigma Mixer or a Kneader Mixer is certainly a glory for all the process industries employed for homogeneous mixing and kneading during wet, pasty, and viscous phases.

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